
Friday, April 8, 2011

Porn Detection USB Stick

This may sound like a silly thing to have in general, but I can think of at least five or six different examples where a Porn Detection USB Stick would come in handy. The prime two examples being helping someone to quelch an addiction, and in the workplace where possession of porn is a crime. Trying to figure out what sort of weird stuff you roommate looks at so you can blackmail them is probably not the best use.

A lot of people may say that to own porn is within their rights, and while that is true, where you stash your porn can get you into trouble (like on a company laptop). This flash will look into archives, and check headers for image and video data, even in files with obscure file types. This would be very useful for a computer illiterate probation officer or even a company IT manager who needs to check some 20-30 computers. This will cost about $100, and will make sure that no one has anything they shouldn’t have.

Slackware Linux 13.37 RC4.6692

Patrick Volkerding has once again updated the Slackware "Current" changelog, announcing one last release candidate before the final release of Slackware Linux 13.37: "Hi folks, one more. We'll call this 13.37 RC 4.6692. Thanks to Nicola for suggesting the first Feigenbaum constant could be useful since we used pi, and it's too late for e. This is pretty much it, but last call for any show-stoppers." Other recent changes include upgrade to Linux kernel, a bug fix to pkgtools, upgrade to KDevelop 4.2.2, addition of Linux kernel to the testing tree, and various security fixes to libtiff, DHCP and ProFTPD. See the detailed changelog for a complete list of changes. Recent unofficial installation DVD images (built 5 April) are available for download from here: slackware-current-05_Apr_2011-DVD.iso (1,976MB, MD5), slackware64-current-05_Apr_2011-DVD.iso (1,933MB, MD5).

Download Mirrors (unofficial)