
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Skype 4.0 Stable for Linux Officially Released

Skype proudly announced today, June 14th, that Skype 4.0 for Linux operating systems has been released and it’s available for download.

After so many years in development, Skype comes with a major stable release of its amazing software, Skype 4.0, bringing lots of new features that already existed on other supported platforms.

Highlights of Skype 4.0:

· Unified window thanks to the new Conversations View, allowing users to easily track their chats (the old view can still be enabled from the Chat options);
· A brand new Call View;
· Better call quality;
· Improved video call quality;
· Support for more webcams;
· Better chat synchronization;
· New emoticon icons and presence;
· Ability to store and view phone numbers on a contact's profile;
· Faster load times of chat history;
· Support for Czech and Norwegian languages;
· Fixed overall stability.

Download Skype 4.0 for Linux

Anonymous member says group is hugely divided


 Long-serving hacker wants nothing to do with political agendas or hactivism.


A seasoned member of the hacking collective known as Anonymous has spoken out about the huge split within the group.
The veteran, interviewed by The Daily Beast, says the group is not the well-oiled, single-minded machine, purely focused on sticking it to the man, as many believe it to be.
Instead he and many others want nothing to do with political agendas and wish simply to continue the notorious and crude website's tradition of unrelenting online malice just for the "Lulz."
The subject William (not his real name) says the mask-wearing members of the hactivist movement, who have taken on big companies and government institutions are nothing but "a joke."

Watching the world burn

"Before people thought we were a spiteful, Internet hate machine. Before you could revel in being a real p***k," says William. "Now people think we're vigilantes and care about stuff."
"Some men just want to watch the world burn," he adds, throwing in a The Dark Knight quote about The Joker and distancing himself from the moral righteousness of Anonymous and splinter group LulzSec.
The current splits is Batman vs The Joker, Parmy Olson, the interviewer and author of the book We are Anonymous points out. William is no Batman.
The keen SWATing (using 911 hoaxes to send SWAT teams to the houses of innocents) enthusiast adds that he misses the mean spirited fun and bemoans the policy of letting anyone join the group.
"It was a lot smaller and more structured [in the past]. You had to be accepted. Now anyone can join Anonymous."
Finally he adds: "I don't think [Anonymous] can change much in the world."


Pear Linux 5 Beta 2 32 bit & beta 1 64 bit

After my various problems with my computer, I doubled working to bring you the beta 2 of the 32 bit version of Pear Linux 5.
The beta 1 of the 64 bit version is also available.

Several improvements to the GUI, resolutions of several bugs. Live cd mode is functional again. Voluntarily, I have not included LibreOffice, Clementine and other software to ease the ISO files and to focus on stabilizing the system.

Happy downloading, and please do your testing feedback on the forum.

You can download iso here :

- Sourceforge :

Rubus Alpha 1

Rubus is a project to create a low-cost "classroom-in-a-box" by combining the Raspberry Pi with a lightweight Linux distribution, useful software, educational materials, peripherals and necessary storage. The intent is to eventually produce and distribute them as a charity via donations, as well as release Documentation on creating the image and providing it for download.

Language localization is a secondary objective, very much based on what storage restrictions arise. It is understood that not everyone speaks English, but most educational material slated for inclusion has the most work completed in English, and even large areas of Africa speak it as a secondary language.

The name Rubus comes from the genus name of the common raspberry; we feel it's fitting for a project based on the Raspberry Pi.

The project lead is Andrew Crouthamel.

m23 12.3 Linux Supports Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Maren Hachmann informed Softpedia earlier today, June 14th, that version 12.3 of the m23 rock Linux distribution is now available for download, supporting the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) operating system.

m23 12.3 is here to allow users to install and administer Canonical's Ubuntu 12.04 LTS distribution. It also comes with a few popular desktop environments, such as Unity, KDE, GNOME Classic, Xfce, LXDE, and pure text mode.

Highlights of m23 12.3:

· Support for installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin);
· Added LightDM as default login manager;
· The m23 client monitor's output, in the client's realtime status, now uses AJAX to always keep your client in view without using a SSH connection;
· Ability to automatically suggest an unused IP address;
· Integrated BAfH daily excuse;
· Added a calculator in the interface;
· Updated VirtualBox to version 4.x;
· Ability to restart or the shutdown of a virtual client from the graphical VNC session;
· Automatic change of boot method after installation of the OS;
· Updated script to support Ubuntu 12.04 LTS;
· Updated m23-xorg-configurator to support Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (is now executed before the login manager);
· Improved various details of the interface for better workflow;
· Ability to see full package size and description when searching for deb files in Ubuntu and Debian;
· Ability to select or deselect multiple packages;
· Ability to change priority of packages, saved as a package selection for deploying on many clients;
· Users can now install as many packages as they want;
· MySQL database method was change to permanent connection;
· Network boot was updated to be used with /dev/sd* for IDE drives.
· Lots of other small fixes.

m23 12.3 is distributed as an ISO image, but existing users are able to update via the m23 interface or APT.

About m23

m23 is a free and open source software distribution system that installs and administrates clients with Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, CentOS, openSUSE, Fedora, Linux Mint and Xubuntu. It is controlled via a web browser.

Download m23 12.3

TERA gets seven day free trial

TERA If the in-browser 30 minute taster of TERA didn’t do enough to convince you to dive into Bluehole’s action-MMO, this seven day trial might do the trick. To get involved you can sign up for a free EnMasse account on the TERA site. You can battle your way to level 23 with up to eight characters. There will be a few typical free trial restrictions in place. You won’t be able to use the post system, post in area chat, form guilds or vote in TERA’s curious political system, but you will be able to carry your trial chracters into the full game if you choose to subscribe. Discover our verdict in the PC Gamer TERA review.

SolusOS 2 Alpha 4 Has Firefox 13 and GNOME 3.4

Ikey Doherty announced yesterday, June 12th, the immediate availability for download and testing of the fourth Alpha version of the upcoming SolusOS 2 Linux distribution.

This new development release of SolusOS 2 is powered by a heavily tweaked version of the Classic (not fallback) GNOME 3.4 desktop environment, designed by the developers to look and feel exactly like GNOME 2.

"This release saw vast improvements in the desktop theming, as well as the introduction of a Desktop Settings tool which enables users to quickly and easily change the appearance and behavior of many aspects of the desktop environment."
The appearance of the desktop has been greatly improved and is very slick and responsive. Our Cardapio Menu implementation is now truly integrated into the desktop, offering users the first true Gnome 2 like desktop environment based on Gnome 3.4 technologies," the official announcement read.

Highlights of SolusOS 2 Alpha 4:

· Linux kernel 3.3.6 (with preempt/BFS);
· SolusOS GNOME Classic 3.3.4 desktop environment;
· Mozilla Firefox 13.0 web browser;
· Mozilla Thunderbird 13.0 email client;
· LibreOffice 3.5.4 office suite;
· VLC Media Player 2.0.1;
· OpenShot 1.4.2 video editor;
· Removed GNOME symbolic icons;
· Added the ability to add your own icon theme;
· Better integration of Notify-OSD;
· Better support for scanners, mobile broadband, and printers;
· Added extra Intel firmware;
· Fixed "authentication" dialogs issues.

Review image
SolusOS 2 Alpha 4 - Image courtesy of Ikey Doherty

Review image
SolusOS 2 Alpha 4 - Image courtesy of Ikey Doherty

Review image
SolusOS 2 Alpha 4 - Image courtesy of Ikey Doherty

About SolusOS

SolusOS is a modern Linux distribution based on the Debian mammoth. It has support for modern hardware, up-to-date applications, and everything else works out-of-the-box.

SolusOS tries to be a lightweight Linux operating system, suitable for both new and old machines. It requires only a PAE-capable i686 CPU, 512 RAM and 3 GB or free hard drive space.

Download SolusOS 2 Alpha 4

OpenSUSE delayed, dev team “soul searching” as a result



 The Release Candidate of openSUSE 12.2 has been delayed, ultimately delaying the final product, and causing the team to rethink their strateg. 

The guys at openSUSE have decided to delay the release candidate for openSUSE 12.2. After skipping Milestone 4, and delaying the Beta, this doesn’t come as a huge surprise, and the team is also going to delay the final version as a result.
Release manager Stephen Kulow has sent a message to the openSUSE mailing list discussing the issues that have arisen during the development of 12.2: “I don’t remember a time during the 12.2 development when we had less than 100 ‘red’ packages…”

Issues like these are causing the team to rethink how they plan to further develop the distribution, calling for changes in the community to help make the process smoother and more efficient.
In an email this morning, Community Manager Jos Poortvliet has described the recent situation as a “wakeup-call [sic], and an opportunity to find new directions”. Check the openSUSE website later to check out how you can help.


Assassin’s Creed 3 E3 trailer has developer commentary, Scottish mini-bosses, tiny teacup

As one of the better demos shown publicly at E3 this year, this Assassin’s Creed 3 walkthrough is worth another look. It’s been released again with a bit of added commentary from creative director Alexander Hutchinson. He talks more about Connor, the half British, half American, all-Assassin leading man we’ll be playing as in the latest game, and remarks on the weather system enabled by the new Anvil Engine. Snow drifts visibly slow movement on the ground, encouraging Connor to take a detour through the treetops. That’s a good way to avoid the kilt-wearing Scot soldier, who seem to be the mini-bosses of the British army.

Repository Debian Squeeze/Wheezy/Sid Gennaio 2012

Debian Squeeze (stable):

################  Repo Debian Squeeze Ufficiali ############
deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free

deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
deb squeeze-proposed-updates main contrib non-free

###############  Repo Debian Backports ##########
deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free

##############  Squeeze-updates  ##############
deb squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
###############  Repo Debian Squeeze terze parti ##########
#### Debian Multimedia
deb squeeze main
deb-src squeeze main

#### Iceweasel Debian Mozilla
deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free
deb squeeze-backports iceweasel-release

#### Dotdeb – repository for Debian-based LAMP servers
deb oldstable all
#### Google Linux repository stable
deb stable non-free main
 #### Google Linux repository testing
deb testing non-free main
#### E17
deb squeeze main extras
#### Esmska
deb /
#### Skype
deb stable non-free
#### Opera
deb squeeze non-free
#### Opera Beta
deb squeeze non-free
#### VirtualBox
deb squeeze contrib
#### aMule-AdunanzA i386-amd64
deb squeeze main
#### Download diretto edmond's repository (kernel,extensions,programmi vari)
#### binary/

Debian Wheezy (testing):

################  Repo Debian Wheezy Ufficiali ############
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb-src testing main contrib non-free

deb testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb wheezy-proposed-updates main contrib non-free

###############  Repo Debian Wheezy terze parti ##########
#### Debian Multimedia
deb testing main non-free
#### Google Linux repository
deb stable non-free main
#### Google Linux repository testing
deb testing non-free
#### Esmska
deb /  
#### Skype
deb stable non-free
#### Opera
deb squeeze non-free
#### VirtualBox
deb squeeze contrib
#### aMule-AdunanzA i386-amd64
deb wheezy main
#### Hadret’s Debian ppa
deb unstable main
#### Download diretto edmond's repository (kernel,extensions,programmi vari)
#### binary/

Debian Sid (unstable):

################  Repo Debian Sid Ufficiali ############
deb sid main contrib non-free
deb-src sid main contrib non-free

###############  Repo Debian Sid terze parti ##########
#### Debian Multimedia
deb sid main
deb-src unstable main

#### Google Linux repository
deb stable non-free main
#### Google Linux repository testing
deb testing non-free
#### E17
deb sid main extras
deb-src sid main extras

#### Esmska
deb /
#### Skype
deb stable non-free
#### Opera
deb sid non-free
#### VirtualBox
deb squeeze contrib
#### Repo frickeplatz per Wine e Gimp 2.7
deb sid main contrib non-free
#### aMule-AdunanzA i386-amd64
deb sid main
#### Hadret’s Debian ppa
deb unstable main
deb-src unstable main

#### Paissad repo per Ps3 media server
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

#### Download diretto edmond's repository (kernel,extensions,programmi vari)
#### binary/

Debian Experimental:

### Experimental
deb experimental main
#### Hadret’s Debian ppa
deb experimental main
deb-src experimental main

Importare chiavi GPG

# apt-get update && apt-get install debian-multimedia-keyring && apt-get update
# wget -q -O- | apt-key add -
Iceweasel Debian Mozilla:
$ wget
# dpkg -i pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring_1.0_all.deb
# wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
# gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0xd66b746e
# gpg --export --armor 0xd66b746e  | apt-key add -
# wget -q -O- | apt-key add -
Repo frickeplatz per Wine e Gimp 2.7
# apt-get install frickelplatz-keyring


 # wget -O - | apt-key add -

 $ wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Hadret’s Debian ppa:
# wget -O - | apt-key add -
Paissad repo per Ps3 media server:
# wget -q -O - | apt-key add -


# wget -q -O - | apt-key add -

Google Linux repository:

# wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
aMule-AdunanzA i386-amd64:
$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key D45A244D

$ gpg -a --export D45A244D | apt-key add -