
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Upgrade PHP 5.1 to PHP 5.2

Here I will show you that, how to upgrade the standard PHP 5.1.x packages in CentOS 5.x 32-bit to the current development versions 5.2.x.
# rpm -qa |grep php
As long as you’re using the standard PHP packages on your CentOS server you won’t need to do anything extra. If you’re using extra PHP packages that aren’t part of the standard CentOS repositories (like php-mcrypt) you’ll have to remove them or find updated versions of them.
Now, add the development repository – CentOS-Testing.repo
# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Testing.repo
Copy/paste the following into this file:
name=CentOS-5 Testing
Now you can use yum to update the PHP packages on your system:
# yum update
Once yum has completed restart Apache:
# service httpd restart
To verify the update is working create a simple testphp.php in your www directory with the following source code:

and open it in a web browser. The new PHP version should be reflected at the top of the page.
# php -v
PHP 5.2.10 (cli) (built: Nov 13 2009 11:24:03)
Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Zend Technologies

Download Nvidia GeForce 302.17 Driver for Linux

Nvidia proudly announced yesterday, June 15th, the immediate availability for download of the 302.17 version of its graphics driver for Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD operating systems.

Nvidia 302.17 video driver brings lots of changes, new features and many improvements over previous versions, which radically improves the overall performance of the driver for Linux systems.

There are too many changes to enumerate here, but if you’re interested in more details about this release, see the complete list of changes in the official changelog.

Download Nvidia Display Driver 302.17 for Linux 32-bit

Download Nvidia Display Driver 302.17 for Linux 64-bit

Download Nvidia Display Driver 302.17 for FreeBSD

Download Nvidia Display Driver 302.17 for FreeBSD 64

Download Nvidia Display Driver 302.17 for Solaris