
Monday, June 25, 2012

How To Use Apt-Get In Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Debian

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to use the apt-get command in Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Debian. The apt-get command allows you to install and remove software automatically if its located in one of the repositories in your sources.list. This makes it extremely easy to install packages in Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Debian. You can also use this command to automatically update/upgrade all of your packages at once just by using one or two commands. Because this command allows you to make changes to the system you have to run it under root (sudo/gksudo). There are graphical alternatives such as the Ubuntu Software CenterAdept (KDE4), Synaptic Package Manager.
Installing Software With apt-get
You can install software automatically by using the following command. When you install software using apt-get it will automatically select all the required dependencies for you and then ask you to confirm before downloading.
sudo apt-get install
Removing Software With apt-get
To remove software with apt-get you can simply remove the package or purge it.
sudo atp-get remove
sudo apt-get purge
Adding Software Repository To apt-get
The best way to apt-get add repository is to open the sources list in nano and add the repository as the last line. You can open nano by running the following command, I have also included an example repository (official skype repository)
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb stable non-free
Whenever you add a repository to your sources list you need to update your available package list by running sudo apt-get update in an open terminal.
Updating/Upgrading Software With apt-get
With apt-get you can update all of your software with only running two commands. Apt-get will download a list of available packages and then ask you to confirm that you wish to upgrade the selected packages to the latest version.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
I hope this has helped you learn how to work with apt-get in Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Debian, more tutorials are on the way and please don’t forget to bookmark!

How To Install Linux Kernel 3.4.4 In Ubuntu 12.04/Linux Mint 13

Linux Kernel 3.4.4 is the last release in the 3.4.x series. After this kernel, we will be waiting for the Linux kernel 3.5 which will bring more new features. If you want to see what has been changed or fixed in Linux Kernel 3.4.4, you can check this page.

In this tutorial we will help you install Linux Kernel 3.4.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 or older and Linux Mint 13 or older. The installation will be via a small bash script that will download the appropriate Debian packages for your system and install them automatically. You can find here all Kernel files.

Linux Kernel 3.4.4 Installation

Open the terminal and install Linux Kernel 3.4.4 with these commands at your own risk:

cd /tmp && wget -O linux-kernel-3.4.4

chmod +x linux-kernel-3.4.4 && sudo sh linux-kernel-3.4.4

When the installation is complete, reboot your system, then check current used kernel with this command:

uname -r

Good luck!

Download Linux Kernel 3.5 Release Candidate 4

Linus Torvalds announced yesterday, June 24th, that the fourth Release Candidate of the upcoming Linux 3.5 kernel is now available for download and testing.

Linux kernel 3.5 RC4 is here to fix the kmsg_dump() functionality, XFS 'struct log' rename patch, as well as updates to drivers and small improvements.

"Lots of tiny fixes here. I think the biggest (in lines) change is the fixup of the kmsg_dump() functionality that got broken due to the new record-oriented kernel message stuff."

"And even that really isn't all that big. The other one that stands out in pure number of lines is the XFS 'struct log' rename patch (which also did a couple of trivial whitespace changes)," said Linus Torvalds in the email announcement.

Download Linux kernel 3.5 RC4

How to record terminal activities and outputs to a log file

In today's tip, I will show you how to record everything you run in the terminal and the outputs into a text file. This can very handy for you, especially when you are an administrator of a linux dedicated server, to analyze problems or seek help on forums or irc channels if you messed around with the commands and it resulted to troubles.

The command to record activities in the terminal is "script", before executing any other thing, you just need to run the following command to make a log file:

 script log.txt  

After that, everything you run afterward in the terminal and the outputs will be recorded into this log file.

If you dont want to record the activities anymore, you just need to hit Ctrl +D. To start recording again to the same log file, you can run this command:

 script -a log.txt  

Siduction 12.1.1

Ferdinand Thommes has announced the release of siduction 12.1.1, a minor update of the project's 12.1 version released a month ago, based on Debian's unstable branch: "Today we released the first fix release of siduction 2012.1 'Desperado', called 2012.1.1 'Desperado Reloaded'. Besides small enhancements the main reason for this fix release was to ship the full set of KDE SC 4.8.4. This version is shipped with three desktop environments - KDE SC, Xfce and LXDE, all in 32-bit and 64-bit variants. The released images are a snapshot of Debian 'Unstable' from 2012-06-24. They are enhanced with some useful packages and scripts, our own installer and a custom-patched version of the linux-kernel 3.4.4, accompanied by X.Org Server 1.12.1." See the release notes for further details. Download: siduction-12.1.1-kde-i386.iso (990MB, SHA256), siduction-12.1.1-kde-amd64.iso (993MB, SHA256), siduction-12.1.1-lxde-i386.iso (568MB, SHA256), siduction-12.1.1-lxde-amd64.iso (573MB, SHA256), siduction-12.1.1-xfce-i386.iso (708MB, SHA256), siduction-12.1.1-xfce-amd64.iso (713MB, SHA256).

Pure OS 5.0

Marc Poirette has announced the release of PureOS 5.0, a multilingual live DVD/USB based on Debian's testing branch and featuring the GNOME 3 desktop: "PureOS 5.0. PureOS 5.0 is a multilingual live DVD/USB based on Debian testing with GNOME. Main features: Linux kernel 3.3.6, GNOME 3.4.2. Office: LibreOffice 3.5.4 - Calc, Draw, Impress and Writer. Internet: Iceweasel 13.0, Icedove 10.0, Transmission, FileZilla. Multimedia: Banshee, VLC, Brasero. Graphics: GIMP 2.8.0, Evince, Eye of GNOME. System: GParted, smxi/sgfxi scripts, scripts and Nautilus actions for modules management - activate, debs2lzm, debs2lzm-file, dir2lzm, lzm2dir et find2lzm. " See the release announcement which includes the full list of packages included on the live DVD image and artwork credentials. Download: PureOS_50.iso (921MB, MD5).

Download Vala 0.17.2

Vala, Bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers.
Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C.
valac, the Vala compiler, is a self-hosting compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and header files. It uses the GObject type system to create classes and interfaces declared in the Vala source code. It's also planned to generate GIDL files when gobject-introspection is ready.
The syntax of Vala is similar to C#, modified to better fit the GObject type system.
Vala is designed to allow access to existing C libraries, especially GObject-based libraries, without the need for runtime bindings. Each to be used library requires a Vala API file at compile-time, containing the class and method declarations in Vala syntax. Vala currently comes with experimental bindings for GLib and GTK+. It's planned to provide generated bindings for the full GNOME Platform at a later stage.

 Download Vala 0.17.2