
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Install Y-PPA Manager on Ubuntu 12.10/12.04 or Linux Mint

Y PPA Manager, like the name says, is a tool to manage PPAs: add, remove, purge PPAs, search for packages in Launchpad PPAs, list packages in a PPA and lots more, all from a single user interface. For a complete feature list, see the Y PPA Manager Launchpad page. You can install Y-PPA manager on Ubuntu 12.10 or 12.04 or Linux Mint

Y PPA Manager features:

  • Add PPA
  • Works in Linux Mint
  • Delete PPA - displays all the enabled PPAs (disabled PPAs will not be listed) and you can delete any PPA from that list
  • Purge PPA - uses the "ppa-purge" tool to downgrade the packages in the selected PPA to the version in the official Ubuntu repositories and disables that PPA
  • List packages in a PPA enabled on your computer - lists all the packages that are available for your Ubuntu version in the selected PPA (only PPAs that you have added to your system and are enabled will show up here)
  • Backup PPAs
  • Remove duplicate sources .list files (doesn't work for the main sources.list file)

  • Transient notifications for GNOME Shell
  • Initial support for Launchpad PPAs (only Launchpad!) added to /etc/apt/sources.list instead of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ (experimental). Note: the duplicate PPAs removal, "Re-enable working PPAs after Ubuntu upgrade" and "Update release name in working PPAs" features don't yet support this.
  • Some features like Remove PPA, Purge PPA or List Packages in PPAs have been merged into a single "Manage PPAs" dialog. Also, in this dialog, the PPA name is now displayed (e.g.: ppa:webupd8team/gthumb) instead of the PPA .list file name
  • Manage PPAs: new option to view/edit the .list source file
  • Manage PPAs: new option to update a single PPA. This was already implemented in Y PPA Manager and was used when adding a PPA, but there wasn't a GUI implementation to manually update single PPAs.
  • Many "update-ppa" improvements (this is the command line tool used to update single PPAs; use "update-ppa --help for more info), including a fix for Linux Mint or support for more repository formats, e.g. "update-ppa quantal main".

Installation of Y-PPA manager on Ubuntu/mint, open terminal and enter commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manager
Source available here Y-PPA Manager

KDE Service Menu 1.4-5 Enhances Konsole Submenu

KDE Service Menu, a software that extends the features of the right mouse click on the Dolphin File Manager for KDE-4 graphical environment, is now at version 1.4-5.

The functionalities enabled by the KDE Service Menu include conversion of several video formats, audio track extraction, sending files to Thunderbird as email attachment, burning ISO files, execution of scripts, text replacing, and many other options.

Highlights of KDE Service Menu 1.4-5:

• "Konsole" submenu has been enhanced.
• A new submenu "GPG Tools" with items "Encrypt" and "Decrypt" on Dolphin's right click menu, has been added;
• "Convert Video" services have been updated;
• A bugfix for "Build Custom Kernel" and "Rebuild RPM Package" has been implemented;
• A new item, "System Information" has been added to submenu "System Tools" on KDE-Services" submenu and Dolphin's right click menu.

A complete list of changes and updates can be found in the official announcement

Download KDE Service Menu (kde-services) 1.4-5

Fedora 18 Beta, and final, delayed

Putting release dates on open source software and operating systems is always risky business – while working to deadlines cane help keep development running along at a certain pace, it can be a little disappointing when a delay has to happen. Much like previous versions of Fedora, there’s been a delay announced for the release of the Fedora 18 Beta.
The Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) announced that, due to unfinished and untestable functionality, the Beta for Fedora 18 has been pushed back a week. This new functionality is described in a ticket created by FESCo regarding rewrites to anaconda and how it would change upgrades. It has been decided that the code does not work, so more time has been given to work on it.

You should now expect the beta on 6th November 2012, with the final release pushed back to 11th December 2012.

Raring Ringtail will be the codename of Ubuntu 13.04

Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be released today (or tomorrow - depends on where you live) but there is another news that Ubuntu fans will be interested in. In the recent blog post, Mark Shuttleworth just announced that the codename of Ubuntu 13.04 will be Raring Ringtail.

Just like the former ones, this codename of Ubuntu 13.04 is a combination of an adjective and a name of an animal and both words begin with the letter R. Also according to the blog post, other candidate codenames of Ubuntu 13.04 are Runty Racoon, Rufflered Rhino and Randall Ross.

This is the first time I know that there is an animal species called Ringtail though. I checked Wikipedia but there are several results like Ringtail Lemur, Ringtail Cat and Ringtail Mongoose. I really dont know which ringtail is the chosen one :D.

Here are some pictures of the different ringtails:

Ringtail Lemur Ubuntu 13.04
Ringtail Lemur

Ringtail Cat Ubuntu 13.04
Ringtail Cat

Ringtail Mongoose Ubuntu 13.04
Ringtail Mongoose

How To Install And Enable Themes And Icons On Gnome Shell 3.6.x - Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)

This guide is for beginners who want to know how to install Gnome Shell themes under Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal). We will also explain how to install icon themes in Gnome 3.6 or above. This guide is about only gnome shell themes not GTK3 themes which are totally different.

1. Installing Gnome Shell & Gnome Tweak Tool

If you haven't already installed Gnome Shell on Ubuntu 12.10, then do with this command (currently v3.6.1):

sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

To be able to manage gnome shell themes, icons, and extensions under Ubuntu, you need to install Gnome Tweak Tool. Here is the command:

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

Log out the current session and select "GNOME" from the session menu, then log back in to enable Gnome Shell:

2. Installing The User Theme Extension

To be able to install themes in Gnome Shell 3.6, we need to enable the User Theme extension. To do this, open this link and activate the extension:

Another pop-up window will show up, click Install:

Press now ALT + F2 and execute " " without quotes to reset Gnoms Shell. To make sure the user theme is well installed, open Gnome Tweak Tool and select the "Shell Extension" tab. In the right side of the window, see if the user theme is well enabled or not:

3. Installing Gnome Shell Themes and Icons

   1. Manual Installation of Themes and Icons

To install a theme manually for a single user, create a hidden folder named .themes in your home directory with this command:

mkdir -p ~/.themes

To access it via Nautilus, run this command:

nautilus ~/.themes

In this folder you can place all your gnome shell themes downloaded from the internet. You can find here many Gnome Shell 3.6 themes you can use on Ubuntu 12.10. For icon themes, create a hidden folder named .icons in your home directory with this command:

mkdir -p ~/.icons

Then access it with this command:

nautilus  ~/.icons

And place all your icon themes there.

   2. Automatic Installation of Themes and Icons

Automatic Installation of themes and icons is done via PPA. Installing a theme via PPA will place the theme folder in this location:


For icons, the PPA will install the icon theme in this folder:


3. Enabling Gnome Shell Themes And Icons

We will take as an example the Chrysalis12-04 gnome shell theme which can be downloaded from here. Extract the archive file and place the theme folder in the .themes folder located in your home directory (press CTRL+H to show hidden files or folders under Nautilus):

Open now Gnome Tweak Tool and select the Theme tab. In the "Shell theme" option, enable the theme we have just installed (Chrysalis12-04):

For changing system icons, place the icon theme folder in the ~/.icons folder, then enable it with Gnome Tweak Tool in Theme > Icon Theme. I hope you have found this tutorial useful.

NetBSD 6.0

NetBSD 6.0, a major new update of the free and highly portable UNIX-like operating system available for a large number of platforms and processor architectures, has been released: "The NetBSD project is pleased to announce NetBSD 6.0, the fourteenth major release of the NetBSD operating system. Changes from the previous release include scalability improvements on multi-core systems, many new and updated device drivers, Xen and MIPS port improvements, and brand new features such as a new packet filter. Some NetBSD 6.0 highlights are: support for thread-local storage (TLS), Logical Volume Manager (LVM) functionality, rewritten disk quota subsystem, new subsystems to handle Flash devices and NAND controllers...." Read the full release announcement and release notes for more information. Quick links to download the installation CD images for the i386 and amd64 architectures: NetBSD-6.0-i386.iso (313MB, torrent), NetBSD-6.0-amd64.iso (330MB, torrent).