
Friday, October 19, 2012

Manual Book For Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

Manual Book for Ubuntu 12.10 announced by Ubuntu Manual Team. With title “Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.10″ and writen in over 52 languages, including English, French, Deutsch, Chinese, Italian, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, Romanian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Serbian, Catalan or Australian English. It contain about how-tos, guides, basic information about Linux and its components, and everything one needs to know after installing Ubuntu 12.10.
The Ubuntu 12.10 Manual Book Designed for Newbie in Ubuntu and advanced users. the 143 pages long PDF document will definitely help new users to learning and understanding new Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal. This book Now ready to download for free

Manual book ubuntu 12.10 Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.10.pdf  Manual Book For Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal
The Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal will be the 17th release of the Ubuntu operating system, supported for 3 years on the Desktop and 2 years on the Server. Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) came with Unity interface updated, updated applications, as well as brand new artwork. it will be released on October 18th, 2012.

Ubuntu Studio 12.10

Ubuntu Studio 12.10, a new version of the official Ubuntu variant compiled to give sound, video and graphics artists a free computing platform on which to unleash their creativity, is out and ready for download: "Ubuntu Studio is the Ubuntu flavour designed for content creation. Improved interface: a new web page, the help button on the main menu points there; Task Manager has been switched to System Monitor for better memory use display; a main menu tool has been added to setting to allow the user to change their menu; add/fix text Plymouth theme; set up Software Centre menu items for our workflows; fixed submenu icons for accessories, education and network. New software include: Xfce updated to version 4.10; Linux kernel (low latency) is now version 3.5." See the complete release notes for more details. Download (SHA256): ubuntustudio-12.10-dvd-i386.iso (2,130MB, torrent), edubuntu-12.10-dvd-amd64.iso (2,165MB, torrent).

Edubuntu 12.10

Edubuntu 12.10, a special flavour of Ubuntu designed for educational institutions, was also released yesterday as part of the Ubuntu product family: "The Edubuntu development team is proud to announce the release of Edubuntu 12.10. Edubuntu 12.10 is a regular release bringing updated software and a few improvements. For larger deployments and environments where a stable, well tested system is preferred, the Edubuntu development team strongly recommends staying on the long-term support releases (current release is 12.04.1). LTSP users should also remain on Edubuntu 12.04 LTS as 12.10 is lacking Unity support for LTSP and has been reported to be much slower than 12.04. This new release is well suited for home users and users who wish to use the latest versions of the available software." Read the release announcement and release notes for further info. Download (SHA256): edubuntu-12.10-dvd-i386.iso (2,558MB, torrent), edubuntu-12.10-dvd-amd64.iso (2,584MB, torrent).

Install Nvidia Driver 304.60 In Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/Linux Mint 13

The Nvidia driver 304.60 has been released recently in the Nvidia website. In this tutorial we will help you install it in Ubuntu/Linux Mint. For Ubuntu 12.10  (Quantal Quetzal), the PPA given below doesn't support it so far, but you can install the driver manually as shown below.

 Here are the changes and bug fixes in this latest release:

    Fixed a bug that caused the X server to crash if a display was put into DPMS off mode and subsequently reenabled while screen transformations are in use.
    Fixed a bug that caused the X Resize and Rotate extension to be enabled when Xinerama is enabled. These two X extensions are incompatible and having them both enabled can confuse window managers such as KDE's kwin. RandR is now correctly disabled when Xinerama is enabled.
    Fixed a bug causing OpenGL stereo applications to not work properly when using passive stereo modes 5 through 9 on Quadro Fermi and newer GPUs.
    Updated nvidia-settings to report Dedicated GPU Memory (i.e., the memory dedicated exclusively to the GPU) and Total GPU Memory (i.e., Dedicated GPU Memory plus any TurboCache(TM)-accessible system memory) separately on the GPU information page.
    Added reporting of the current utilization of Dedicated GPU Memory to the GPU information page of nvidia-settings.
    Added support for the "Backlight" RandR output property for configuring the brightness of some notebook internal panels.
    Fixed a bug that prevented the Ubuntu Unity launcher panel from unhiding:
    Fixed a bug that caused nvidia-installer to sometimes attempt to write a log file in a nonexistent directory.
    Fixed a bug that caused incorrect input transformation after resizing an NVIDIA X screen with xserver ABI 12 (xorg-server 1.12) or newer.
    Fixed a bug that caused GLX to leak memory when Xinerama is enabled.

Driver Installation (Latest Long Lived Branch version: 304.60)

To install from x-swat PPA for Ubuntu 12.04/Linux Mint 13 or older, run these commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings

Or install manually with these instructions for Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal):

1. Open the terminal and download this file with these commands:

cd && wget

chmod +x nvidia-304-60

2. Press CTRL+ALT+F3 to enable CLI mode, log in using your username and password, then kill the Xserver with this command:

 sudo service lightdm stop

3. Start the installation of the Nvidia driver 304.60 with this command:

cd && sudo sh nvidia-304-60

4. When the installation is complete, run this command to reboot your system:

sudo reboot

Note: You may also use these instructions to install the driver in GUI mode without the need to kill the Xserver.

You can also check this tutorial which explains how to install the Nvidia driver in Recovery Mode.

Install Mate Desktop in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

The GNOME 2 Fork 'Mate' is a desktop environment. If you wish to use this desktop environment on Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal to replace your current Unity or Gnome Shell interface, then follow the instructions given below. You can install Mate Desktop on Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal.

mate desktop

Installation of Mate Desktop on Ubuntu 12.10, Enter following commands in terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb quantal main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mate-core mate-desktop-environment

Lubuntu 12.10

Lubuntu 12.10, a new version of the lightweight Ubuntu variant featuring the LXDE desktop environment, is out: "The Xubuntu team is glad to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 12.10, code-named Quantal Quetzal. Xubuntu 12.10 will be supported for 18 months. New features: Xfce 4.10; completely rewritten offline documentation; in the application menu, all settings-related launchers are now grouped under the Settings Manager; updated artwork, including new wallpaper, documentation looks and updates to LightDM, Greybird and Ubiquity slideshow; new versions of Catfish and Parole. Notable bug fixes: no more window traces or 'black on black' in installer." For more information please see the release announcement and the release notes. Download (SHA256): lubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso (692MB, torrent), lubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso (699MB, torrent).

Xubuntu 12.10

Distribution Release: Xubuntu 12.10^Xubuntu 12.10, an official Ubuntu project providing a desktop operating system with Xfce as the distribution's preferred desktop, has been released: "The Xubuntu team is glad to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 12.10, code-named Quantal Quetzal. Xubuntu 12.10 will be supported for 18 months. New features: Xfce 4.10; completely rewritten offline documentation; in the application menu, all settings-related launchers are now grouped under the Settings Manager; updated artwork, including new wallpaper, documentation looks and updates to LightDM, Greybird and Ubiquity slideshow; new versions of Catfish and Parole. Notable bug fixes: no more window traces or 'black on black' in installer." Read through the brief release announcement and the more detailed release notes for additional details and known issues. Download (SHA256): xubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso (693MB, torrent), kubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso (694MB, torrent).

Kubuntu 12.10

Following the release of Ubuntu 12.10 earlier today, Kubuntu 12.10 is the brand-new version of the project's Linux distribution showcasing the latest KDE desktop: "The Kubuntu community is proud to announce the release of 12.10, the Quantal Quetzal. This is the first release to burst free from the limits of CD sizes giving us some more space for goodies on the image. It also does away with the alternate installer images, adding advanced partitioning options to the desktop image. Built on Ubuntu's core and polished with KDE's applications and workspaces, Kubuntu 12.10 is a grand example of friendly, fast and beautiful software." See the full release announcement and read through the detailed release notes to learn more. Download (SHA256): kubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso (953MB, torrent), kubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso (934MB, torrent).

Ubuntu 12.10

Ubuntu 12.10 has been released. Featuring many popular open-source applications, up-to-date Unity desktop and new cloud-related features, the latest version of Canonical's Linux distribution for desktops and servers is ready for download: "Ubuntu 12.10 introduces innovations that bring together desktop and cloud-based experiences, representing the next stage in the transition to a multi-device, cloud-based world. New Previews give large, clear previews of content as it appears in the Dash search results, giving users a quick way to get more information to help find what they are looking for. The new Web Apps feature makes frequently used web applications available through the desktop." Read the release announcement and see the release notes for further information. Download (SHA256): ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso (753MB, torrent), ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso (763MB, torrent).

Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal out now, 13.04 named



The latest version of Ubuntu, and its different desktop flavours, is out now, with controversial new features. 

It’s that time of the year again, and Canonical have release Ubuntu 12.10 without any delays. The first version since the all important LTS release in April, the Quantal Quetzal is less about stability than Precise Pangolin was, and more about adding new features in an attempt to make the user experience better. At least, that’s the idea.
An overview of the major changes can be found below:
GRUB 2 updated
Graphics makeover for Ubuntu Greeter and the default theme
Remote login/remote desktop access added to Greeter log-in prompt
Nautilus file manager to stays at version 3.4
Linux Kernel 3.5
Unity revs to 6.8.0; Unity 2D is dropped; previews added
Software Updater simplified
New Share Links tab in Ubuntu One Control Panel
New centralised management for online accounts
New versions for some bundled applications
Disk image is now 800MB, so install requires a USB memory or a DVD
Menus are reorganised and many previous menu choices consolidated under Dash
Python revs to version 3 (with version 2 still supported for now)
New Dash Photo lens; new Gwibber icon
Dash search returns online results from Ubuntu One and Amazon Dash preview

Those last two points have caused concern for people in the run up to the release – last reports suggest that while queries are sent to a centralized server at Canonical, the Amazon results get sent directly to the user. While this of course may not affect some users who perhaps use Amazon and like their search results, others that value their privacy have been concerned over how much Amazon will be able to see. At the very least, issues with data not been encrypted in transit have been dealt with.
This is Ubuntu’s first step towards a more online connected desktop, and while it could work well in the long run, it seems to have got off to a shakey start. Either way, you can grab the ISO for the distribution now, and of course the other flavours and desktop environments will remove some these online search features.
In other Ubuntu news, Marh Shuttlework has announced that the next Ubuntu will be named Raring Ringtail.