
Monday, November 12, 2012

5 Best Firefox Add-ons for Bloggers

Firefox is one of the best web browsers available today. The main reason for its popularity is the large community support and Add-ons/plugins which are available for the users. Firefox add-ons are available for nearly all user groups with different interests. There are a number of firefox add-ons or plugins which are available for bloggers. Some of The Best Firefox add-on for Bloggers are:
1. SEO Quake: This is a highly recommended firefox add-on for the bloggers. This plugin shows various ranks such as page rank, alexa rank etc of all the results which are shown in the Google for a particular search query. This add-on is best suited for both newbies and professionals who would be benefitted by the effectiveness and the competitive ability of the SEO efforts.
2. ScribeFire Blog Editor: This is a fully featured blog text editor that seamlessly integrates in your Firefox and allows you to edit and create posts for your blog. There are a number of features which are offered by this tool such as editing and dropping formatted text from the pages, publishing to one or more blogs, upload images and much more.
3. Yoono: This is another simple and easy to install sidebar firefox add-on that helps you a lot in your social media sharing. There are a number of buttons that connect you to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and other social accounts all at one place. This sidebar helps you to share your posts and other content across these social networks in an instant. This plugin also helps you to connect to your account and doesn’t let you miss any of the critical update. The plugin is also available for the Android, Google Chrome, iPhone and other platforms.
4. KGen: This is great firefox add-on that would help you in analyzing the keywords of the page you are viewing along with their distribution and the weight of the keyword in the page. This tool can be a handy tool to view your competitor’s keyword strategy. The plugin also generates various statistics about your page so that you can improve your blog’s quality. Kgen is a must recommended tool for the marketers/bloggers who rely on keyword position and weighing for their business.
5. Easy Comment: All bloggers and search engine optimizers know that the blog commenting is an integral part of any SEO campaign or activity. It is really time consuming and frustrating to fill out the details every time you visit some blog for commenting purposes. The easyComment allows you to fill out the comment forms with your details such as Name, Email and homepage URL automatically. Whenever you land up on a page, all your details would be filled up automatically and you only have to think about your message.

m0n0wall 1.34

Manuel Kasper has announced the release of m0n0wall 1.34, a tiny FreeBSD-based operating system for firewalls: "m0n0wall 1.34 released. m0n0wall 1.34 is a maintenance release with low-priority security fixes for CSRF/XSS issues in the webGUI. Changes in this release: eliminate modifying GETs from webGUI pages; make rule moving and deletion on shaper rules page work like for firewall rules; add csrf-magic for CSRF protection in webGUI; fix potential XSS in diag_ping.php and diag_traceroute.php; increase key size of auto-generated webGUI certificates to 2,048 bits; update default webGUI certificate/key; remove domain name handling from dhclient-script and change ARP command not to use sed (not used/available in m0n0wall); change virtualHW version to 7 for VMWare image to avoid errors in ESX 4." Visit the project's download page to read the full changelog. Download from here: cdrom-1.34.iso (17.8MB, SHA256).

Install The Conky HTC Home Widget In Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/Linux Mint 13

In this tutorial, we will help you install Conky HTC Home in Ubuntu/Linux Mint systems. This conky desklet will display on your desktop weather, clock, high/low temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. This conky script is simply a clone of the original HTC Home for smartphones.

Conky HTC Home Installation

Under Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/Linux Mint 13, install Conky with this command:

sudo apt-get install conky-all unrar rar

Now set up the widget with this sequence of commands:

mkdir -p ~/.Conky 
mkdir -p ~/.fonts 
cd /tmp 
wget -c -O conky-htc-home.rar 
unrar x conky-htc-home.rar 
cd Conky*HTC*Home 
cp -r fonts/* ~/.fonts 
cp -r .Conky ~/

Before starting the widget, let's now add the code of your city to the accuw_script file. To do this, click here and search for your city, then copy the URL from the address bar. Next, run this command from the terminal:

gedit ~/.Conky/htc_home/accuweather/accuw_script

In this file, replace the default url with your own as found in the AccuWeather website:

Save your file and exit. You can test now the widget with this command:

sh ~/.Conky/htc_home/

By default, this widget will be displayed in the top right corner of your screen:

If you want, for example, to display it in the center of your screen, edit the conkyrc file with this command:

gedit ~/.Conky/htc_home/conkyrc

Replace in this file:

alignment top_right


alignment middle_middle

Here is a screenshot of HTC Home displayed in the middle of your screen:

For other positions, you can use the following options:

  • alignment top_left 
  • alignment top_middle 
  • alignment middle_right 
  • alignment middle_left 
  • alignment bottom_right 
  • alignment bottom_left 
  • alignment bottom_middle
To start the widget automatically after you login, open "Startup Applications" and add these details:

Name: Conky HTC Home 
Command: /home/username/.Conky/htc_home/

Replace username with your own account username.

Conky HTC Home Homepage

Change the Default Startup Screen of LibreOffice 3.6.x on Ubuntu/Linux Mint

In this tutorial, we will see how to change the splash of green screen LibreOffice 3.6.x under Ubuntu / Linux Mint. If you did not create a startup screen, you can search and download a few of them here.

Install Libre Office 3.6.x

sudo apt-get purge LibreOffice-core
sudo add-apt-repository ppa: LibreOffice / LibreOffice-prerelease
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install LibreOffice
Edit LibreOffice 3 , 6 Splash Screen We first backup Into the startup screen to default green with this command:
sudo mv / usr / lib / LibreOffice / program / intro.png / usr / lib / LibreOffice / program / intro.png.back
Now rename the custom splash screen for intro.png and move with this command: sudo mv
 intro.png / usr / lib / LibreOffice / program /
To restore the startup screen by default, run this command: sudo mv Into
/ usr / lib / LibreOffice / program / intro.png.back / usr / lib / LibreOffice / program / intro.png

How to Reset Forgotten Root Password in RHEL/CentOS and Fedora

Suppose you want to get into a Linux system. You know nothing about the existing user’s or their passwords. You have no idea about these things. Then what will you do??
The only thing you know that the user root exists. So we must find a way to get the root’s password.
I think you know about the different run-levels on a UNIX machine. The single user mode or the run-level 1 is used for these kind of rescue purposes. So what you should do is to enter the rescue mode. Click here to learn How to enter Rescue mode in Linux / UNIX.
Once the Rescue environment is loaded, you will get a shell which is your default bash shell.
Now use the passwd command to set / change the root’s password.
[root@server ~]# passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Now the password has been changed the newly set one.
If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, a security bug was there which blocked the passwd command from working in single user mode. Later this was fixed by a bug fix update (
If you have installed the original selinux-policy package, the passwd command might not run. So make the SELinux policy to permissive for the passwd command to run.
Get the SELinux status by,
# getenforce Enforcing
Now change to permissive by,
# setenforce 0
Again check the status and see the change
# getenforce Permissive
Now run the passwd command and after that change the SELinux back to the Enforcing state by the

# setenforce 1
# getenforce Enforcing
Now reboot the machine and boot normally.
Thats all you are done.

Linux Mint 14 RC

Clement Lefebvre has announced the availability of the release candidate for Linux Mint 14 - in the usual MATE and Cinnamon flavours: "The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 14 Nadia RC. For the first time since Linux Mint 11, the development team was able to capitalize on upstream technology which works and fits its goals. After six months of incremental development, Linux Mint 14 features an impressive list of improvements, increased stability and a refined desktop experience. We're very proud of MATE, Cinnamon, MDM and all the components used in this release, and we're very excited to show you how they all fit together in Linux Mint 14. New features: MATE 1.4 comes with numerous bug fixes, Bluetooth and mate-keyring are now functional and caja features support for Dropbox...." Read the release announcement, release notes and what's new page for more information, known issues and screenshots. Download (SHA256): linuxmint-14-mate-dvd-32bit-rc.iso (966MB, torrent), linuxmint-14-mate-dvd-64bit-rc.iso (961MB, torrent), linuxmint-14-cinnamon-dvd-32bit-rc.iso (879MB, torrent), linuxmint-14-cinnamon-dvd-64bit-rc.iso (873MB, torrent).

How To Change The Default Splash Screen Of LibreOffice 3.6.x Under Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/Linux Mint 13

In this tutorial, we will see how to change the green splash screen of LibreOffice 3.6.x under Ubuntu/Linux Mint. If you haven't created your own splash screen, you can search and download some of them here.

Installing Libre Office 3.6.x

If you haven't already upgraded to LibreOffice 3.6, then do with these commands under Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/Linux Mint 13:

sudo apt-get purge libreoffice-core 
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install libreoffice

Changing LibreOffice 3.6 Splash Screen

Let's first backup the default green splash screen with this command:

sudo mv /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/intro.png /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/intro.png.back

Now rename your custom splash screen to intro.png and move it with this command:

sudo mv intro.png /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/

To restore the default splash screen, run this command:

sudo mv /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/intro.png.back /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/intro.png

Note: This tip is also workable for LibreOffice 3.5.x.