
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How to Fix/Repair ATI Catalyst AMD Video Driver on Ubuntu 12.xx

ATI Catalyst drivers are blocking the system? Have you stopped abruptly installation of the latter, and now you can no longer use the X server Ubuntu 12.10 or Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Quantal? You “forced” a bit ‘too his hand, and your Catalyst refuse to work? Well, then this is just the guide for you: we will see how to restore the drivers AMD / ATI Catalyst using recovery mode Ubuntu.
Maybe you could think that that option boot system was there only as a formality, but it is not! The recovery mode has its uses: it is possible to perform diagnostics, recovery and system repairs regardless of the damage it caused during the various sessions of use. E ‘for this reason that, today, upubuntu suggests how to use the recovery mode if the ATI Catalyst drivers suddenly they stopped working, something that happens regularly – for example – after a change kernel or operating system upgrade.
First, the selection screen of GRUB, if we have a version of GRUB less than 2.0 we select
Into Our OS-with-our-kernel (recovery mode / recovery mode)
such as
Ubuntu, with 3.xx-y.generic (recovery mode)

and give ENTER. Or, if we GRUB 2.0, have to bring us in ”Advanced options for Ubuntu”: find there the recovery mode! (Small tip: if GRUB does not appear, start the computer by pressing and holding the SHIFT key after the BIOS POST).
Wait kernel initialization after that, in the next window, select ”Network” (will allow you to enable the network). The system will notify you that your disk will be remounted in read / write mode: you confirm and wait for the loading.
 How to Fix/Repair ATI Catalyst AMD Video Driver on Ubuntu 12.xx
At this point we get back to the main screen, hence selected root (Open a root shell) and dates sent. At this point, the steps are the same people who normally perform from terminal to install the ATI drivers. Eye could happen that the layout of the keyboard is the American one. First, for the avoidance of doubt, a moment update the system with the commands
Into sudo apt-get
update sudo apt-get upgrade

And now, let’s install the ATI drivers (the last are the 12.10) by following the steps in this guide.
After the procedure, we can exit the shell by typing the command of recovery
Into exit
And then selecting from the main window ”Resume” – “Restore normal startup.”

How to Create Empty File (Add Contextual Menu) with Terminal on Nautilus 3.6

To create an empty file there are at least two ways: use the terminal – and the touch command – or open a text file and save it, without content, in the position we want. Up to 3.4 Nautilus was also possible to create a new file via the context menu: enough to give a right click on an empty spot in the current directory / the desktop and select Create New > Blank Document . Too bad this feature has been eliminated in Nautilus 3.6.
So how to regain – in Nautilus 3.6 – the same functionality without using tricks complicated? The methods are two, both valid, and expose them there below.

Method 1 – Create an extension for Nautilus 3.6

This is a very simple method , is to add a ‘ extension in Python for Nautilus 3.6 which is really to change the context menu : via terminal we first create the folder that will contain script , and immediately after, we will create the script itself. Translated into commands that corresponds to
mkdir-p ~ / .local / share / nautilus-python / extensions
gedit ~ / .local / share / nautilus-python / extensions /

Clearly we can replace gedit with our favorite text editor. Inside the new file open, now, let’s write the following:
from os.path import join from
gi.repository import GObject, Nautilus

 class Acme (GObject.GObject, Nautilus.MenuProvider):
def __ init__ (self): pass

final new_empty_file (self, menu, folder):
with open (join (folder.get_uri (). replace ("file :/ /", ""), "new_file"), 'w') as f: f.write
final get_background_items (self, window, CURRENT_FOLDER):
AcmeMenuItem = Nautilus.MenuItem (
name = "Acme :: NewEmptyFile"
label = "Create empty file "
tip =" Create a new empty file "

AcmeMenuItem.connect ('activate', self.new_empty_file, CURRENT_FOLDER)
return [AcmeMenuItem]

Save the file and restart Nautilus, with the command
Done! Now, clicking the right mouse button on a blank part of our desk / a Nautilus window, we will directly support the “Create empty file.”

Method 2 – Use templates

This method is even easier: simply create an empty file in the folder ~ / Templates for always have it available. Then open a terminal and type
touch ~ Templates / File_Vuoto
after that restart Nautilus 3.6, with the command
Done! We can now create a new empty file with the context menu of Nautilus, through Right click> Create Document> File_Vuoto.
thanks to webupd8 & askubuntu4c940  p 89EKCgBk8MZdE How to Create Empty File (Add Contextual Menu) with Terminal on Nautilus 3.6

Nautilus 3.6.3 (GNOME Files) Run and Install it on Ubuntu

Nautilus (also known as GNOME Files) – the default file manager for GNOME Shell – reaches the third maintenance update , thus arriving at version 3.6.3. No distortion of vision or functional (for those we have to wait Nautilus 3.8, a mockup can be found here), but a good changelog that carries a lot ‘of problems solved. Here they are:
    • Removed a problem that caused the mismanagement of symbolic links on remote volumes
    • removed columns “search filter”, which appeared duplicated when changing the search path
    • the search toolbar now accepts long file name directory
    • within the bookmark “Recent Files” also appears in the trash
    • adding the frame around the thumbnails, where this missing
    • disassemble the remote volumes no longer causes crashes Nautilus.

was also partially improved restaurant search, by introducing a hint of recursive search.

Files (Nautilus) 3.6.3 – Installation on Ubuntu 12.10 (or Ubuntu-based distributions)

Install the new manager files on Ubuntu is easy! Just add the PPA of GNOME 3 (which the drafting of the article has not yet been updated, and it will probably be tomorrow before ), update the package list and install … Nautilus! All this is to open a terminal and type
sudo add-apt-repository ppa: gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo apt-get sudo update
apt-get install nautilus

Files (Nautilus) 3.6.3 – Installation of all other distributions

All GNOME-based distributions will have the new Nautilus 3.6.3 between system updates offered by your package manager.