
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Transmission 2.74 Released! Install on Ubuntu Enhancements for IPv6

And ‘now available a new update of the Transmission BitTorrent client, that give program version 2.74.  For those who does not know, efficient BitTorrent client Transmission is a feature-rich use rather simple, which comes preinstalled in the desktop environment gtk-based (in particular Transmission is the manager torrent default Ubuntu). This release, in particular, is oriented towards strong improvements both for the integration of the program with the IPv6 protocol for the management of so-called “magnetic link”.  But there is much more: just read the changelog is included below for realizing it!
 Transmission 2.74 Released! Install on Ubuntu Enhancements for IPv6

All Platforms

  • Fix a bug That prevented IPv6 addresses from being saved in dht.dat
  • Better handling of magnet links That Contain ‘tr.x =’ parameters
  • filtering of addresses used for uTP peer connections
Fix detection of
  • Whether or not a peer supports uTP connections


  • Auto-grouping will not apply until torrents are demagnetized
  • Tweak the inspector’s and add window’s file lists to avoid auto-hiding scrollbars overlapping the priority controls
  • Fix potential crash When downloading and seeding complete at the same time
  • Fix bug where stopped torrents might start When waking the computer from sleep

Web Client

  • Fix a multi-file selection bug
  • Fix bug where the upload and download arrows and rates would not Appear for downloading torrents
  • Fix bug tracker When displaying the list
As always, you can access the release notes going in this page .

Install Transmission 2.74 on Ubuntu 12.04/12.10 (PPA and procedure manual)

If you want to use the PPA, below find the instructions to import and update Transmission. At the time of this writing, however, they are still outdated:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa: transmissionbt / ppa sudo apt-get
update sudo apt-
get install transmission
Since the PPA still pointed to the old version of Transmission, proceed with the installation manual by source. Before proceeding, however, I want to remind you that you can safely wait Transmission is updated within the Ubuntu repositories and update the system easily using the command
sudo apt-get
update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
If you’re like me, and want to get programs from your system immediately up-to-date , follow the instructions below! First install a little ‘dependencies (yes, we’ll need it) and download the source tarball of Transmission, with the commands
sudo apt-get install automake build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev intltool libglib2.0-dev libevent-dev-dev libminiupnpc libminiupnpc libappindicator-dev-dev checkinstall
cd / tmp wget
xvjf tar transmission-2.74.tar.bz2
At this point, let us go into source directory, compile the program and …. use checkinstall to install it, so you can comfortably manage in the future by USC / gdebi / dpkg / apt-get / aptitude
cd / tmp/transmission-2.74
. / configure
sudo checkinstall
At this point we do not need the source directory (which will be deleted automatically when you restart the system), but it is a good idea to keep a copy Package. deb, so you can easily reinstall if necessary. I will put on my desk!

cp / * tmp/transmission-2.74/transmission. deb ~ / Desktop /