
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

pfSense 2.0 RC3

Chris Buechler has announced the availability of the third release candidate for pfSense 2.0, a FreeBSD-based operating system for firewalls: "I'm happy to announce what will likely be the final 2.0 release candidate, RC3, is now available. RC2 was a snapshots-only tag. The mirrors are currently syncing, with a few of them done already and the remaining will sync within the coming hours. There are considerably fewer open issues on 2.0 right now than there were on 1.2.3 when it was released, and no major outstanding problems. 2.0 has gotten widespread use in production environments over the last year plus including in our most critical networks, and looks to be ready for release. We expect final release within a month, and consider RC3 the preferred release for all new installs." Here is the full release announcement. Download: pfSense-2.0-RC3-i386.iso.gz (96.5MB, SHA256), pfSense-2.0-RC3-amd64.iso.gz (110MB, SHA256).

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