
Monday, July 23, 2012

Frugalware Linux 1.7 RC1

James Buren has announced the availability of the first release candidate for Frugalware Linux 1.7, code name "Gaia", an independently-developed general-purpose Linux distribution designed for intermediate and advanced Linux users: "Frugalware 1.7rc1 (Gaia) released. The Frugalware developer team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.7rc1, the first candidate of the upcoming 1.7 stable release. Here are some of the major improvements, fixes and updates since 1.7pre2: package updates - Linux kernel 3.4.4, GCC 4.7.1, KDE 4.8.4; new features - installer now supports Btrfs as an experimental feature, installer now supports JFS, grubconfig (our front-end to GRUB 2 installation) can now install to itself to RAID1 mdadm and raw drives with a single option. Please refer to the Frugalware Testing ChangeLog for more information." Here is the very brief release announcement. Download the installation DVD image for the x86_64 processor architecture from here: frugalware-1.7rc1-x86_64-dvd1.iso (4,262MB, SHA1).

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