
Monday, November 19, 2012

Xnoise 0.2.13 Media Player Relased – Install in Ubuntu 12.10, Xubuntu 12.10 and Linux Mint 14/13

Xnoise is an open source media player for GTK+ with an excellent user interface, great speed and lots of other new features that allows users to listen music and play videos.
Xnoise can able to play every kind of video/audio format data. The Xnoise interface provides a easy search function where you can easily search the library and drag each artist, album or title to the track-list by in any order position.
Install Xnoise Media Player in Ubuntu
The queued tracks (audio or video) in track-list are played one-by-one without being removed and can be removed, inserted, re-ordered any track the way you want.
Recently, Xnoise 0.2.13 has been released and integrated a large number of new exciting features.

Xnoise 0.2.13 Features

  1. Added search feature to new Album Art view.
  2. The ‘Now Playing’ image rendering has been re-designed with reflections.
  3. A weblink to keyboard shortcuts integrated in the help menu.
  4. Ctr-B key-binding for toggling album art view has been added.
  5. Volume slider with symbolic icon.
  6. Mingw compatibility fixes.
To know the complete list of other changes and features, visit at xnoise-media-player.
Please watch the attached video by the Xnoise developer, where he demonstrating some of the features available in the Xnoise 0.2.13 version.

Installation of Xnoise 0.2.13 Media Player

From the Desktop, open the terminal by pressing CTRL + ALT + T and run the following commands to install Xnoise Media Player in Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/11.10, Xubuntu 12.10, Linux Mint 14/13.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shkn/xnoise
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install xnoise

Starting Xnoise 0.2.13 Media Player

Run the following command from the Desktop to start the Xnoise Media Player.
$ sudo xnoise
Xnoise Media Player Screenshots

Xnoise Media Player under Ubuntu
Xnoise Media Player in Ubuntu
Xnoise sources are available for download for other Linux distributions via GitHub.

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