
Thursday, May 23, 2013

BackBox Linux 3.05

Raffaele Forte has announced the release of BackBox Linux 3.05, an updated version of the project's Ubuntu-based specialist distribution designed for penetration testing and security assessments: "The BackBox team is pleased to announce the updated release of BackBox Linux, version 3.05. This release includes features such as Linux kernel 3.2, compat-wireless 3.8 (with Aircrack-ng patch) and Xfce 4.8. What's new? System improvements; upstream components bug corrections; performance boost; improved Update menu; improved Wi-Fi dirvers (compat-wireless 3.8 with Aircrack-NG patch); full support for Linux kernel 3.5 and 3.8 (install it with apt-get or Synaptic); predisposition to ARM architecture (new armhf.iso coming soon); new and updated hacking tools (Automater, inundator, Ettercap, Wireshark, SE Toolkit, Metasploit, sqlmap, BeEF, Recon-ng, zaproxy, Weevely, THC-IPV6, truecrack, Hashcat)." Here is the full release announcement with system requirements. Download (MD5): backbox-3.05-amd64.iso (1,587MB, torrent).

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