Thursday, January 31, 2013

OmgSuite theme for Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/Linux Mint 14/13 (GTK + Gnome Shell)

Omg-Suite based on myColors and Silent Night gtk2 theme. This theme is clean, elegant designed for those who like dark themes and three versions of GTK3 available (black, dark grey, and light grey), two versions of GTK2 available, author also made theme for Gnome Shell.

ubuntu themes

ubuntu gtk

ubuntu themes

omgsuite themes
Themes tested on Ubuntu 12.10/12.04 with GTK 3.6/3.4 and Gnome Shell 3.6/3.4

1st: OmgSuite theme for Chrome/Chromium (Click Here)
2nd: zonColor Wallpapers used in screenshots, Also checkout Black Wallpapers
3rd: zonColor-Icons used in screenshots, Also checkout icons collection
4th: You can use Gnome-tweak-tool or Ubuntu-Tweak to change icons and themes.

To install OmgSuite theme in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install omg-suite
That's it

SparkyLinux 2.1 "Ultra"

Paweł Pijanowski has announced the release of SparkyLinux 2.1 "Ultra" edition, a Debian-based lightweight distribution with Openbox as the default desktop user interface: "SparkyLinux 2.1 'Ultra' edition has been released. The system is built on Debian 'Wheezy' and all packages have been synchronized with Debian's testing repositories as of 2013-01-23. It features a customized, ultra-light and fast Openbox desktop. What else? Fluxbox is out - I wasn't happy with it so I focus all my attention on Openbox; standard Openbox exit options changed to 'Shutdown', 'Reboot' and 'Log out'; added update-manager; the Polish repository mirror server replaced with the main Debian one; added a few new wallpapers; added to menu - run application, graphical two-panel file manager Tux Commander to have quick access to system files, added AppFinder...." Read the full release announcement for system requirements and a screenshot. Download: sparkylinux-2.1-eris-x86_64-ultra.iso (1,369MB, MD5).