Sunday, February 3, 2013

Kdenlive 0.9.4 Video Editor for Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/11.10/10.04/Linux Mint (New Released)

Kdenlive is a free open-source video editor for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD, which supports DV, AVCHD and HDV editing. Kdenlive relies on several other open source projects, such as FFmpeg, the MLT video framework and Frei0r effects.

kdenlive video

Ubuntu kdenlive

Fixes include:
  • [User Interface] DVD wizard menu broken
  • [Transitions] Adding a key frame to composite transition changes the position
  • [User Interface] crash with automatic scene split
  • [User Interface] DVD wizard does not produce iso if no menu
  • [Rendering] DVD wizard loop option for menu is broken
  • [User Interface] Slider in preview window not draggable
  • [User Interface] Automatic audio alignment
  • [Rendering] Unsupported audio codec: pcm_s16le
  • [Rendering] Kdenlive exits without comments after clicking on rendern (fileformat independent)
  • [User Interface] crash when zooming out timeline
  • [File Loading] Crash opening file
  • See complete list of Fixes
New features introduced in this release 0.9.4:
  • Automatic audio alignment
  • Exchange of Render > Generate script > File Dialog to a standard full featured one?
  • remove useless parameters from the transcode stabilize gui
  • Render to raw YUV
  • Remember window size/position and zoom in titler
  • Realtime update when changing effect values
  • Move playhead to mouse position on key press [p-key]

To install Kdenlive in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the terminal:
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install kdenlive
That's it

Fotoxx 13.02 Allows Now To Convert An Image Into Cartoon-like Drawing (More Features) - Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Fotoxx has been updated to version 13.02 bringing more new features and improvements. Fotoxx is an image editor that allows users to perform various adjustments and effects on their images.

 Fotoxx 13.02 has added the following features:

  • Color space conversion is supported using LCMS (e.g. Adobe RGB <--> sRGB)
  • A photo of a page in a thick book can be squared and flattened; the print is stretched out where the page curves down at the binding.
  • A photo can be converted into a cartoon-like drawing.
  • The thumbnail gallery view has three sort options: file name, file mod date, and photo date (EXIF).
  • Metadata is kept when a RAW file is converted to TIFF/JPEG/PNG
  • Brightness distribution graph allows selection of colors, and reflects only the visible part of a zoomed image.
  • Some bugs were fixed

Fotoxx 13.02 Installation

For PPA installation (not updated so far), you can install Fotoxx 13.02 with these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install fotoxx

For manual installation of Fotoxx in Ubuntu/Linux Mint, here are the commands:

1. i386

sudo apt-get install dcraw ufraw libc6 libtiff4 xdg-utils libimage-exiftool-perl 
cd /tmp 
wget -c -O fotoxx-13.02-i686.deb 
sudo dpkg -i fotoxx-13.02-i686.deb

2. amd64

sudo apt-get install dcraw ufraw libc6 libtiff4 xdg-utils libimage-exiftool-perl 
cd /tmp 
wget -c -O fotoxx-13.02-x86_64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i fotoxx-13.02-x86_64.deb