Monday, November 5, 2012

CryEngine 3 New Game is Coming to Linux

CryEngine , the engine behind Crysis and Far Cry 2, is considered one of the most sophisticated commercial game engines currently in place and, as you said, to him are due titles such as Far Cry, Crysis and Crysis 2 that are based on it. Thanks to the reporting of our reader Alessandro Frigoli , we learned that many new games based on the latest version of CryEngine 3 are coming on Linux , or rather come in the future including MechWarrior Online and Star Citizen .
Star Citizen is space adventure game by Chris Robert, creator of the Wing Commander series. Recently he made a so-called ‘Ask Me Anything’ on Reddit where he made it clear that CryEngine 3 could get serious about Linux.
It depends on Crytek engine and having the support OpenGL as well as DirectX. There may be some good news in the near future as we’ve discussed it with Crytek Themselves and they want to address this.
depends on Crytek and support for OpenGL and DirectX. There might be some good news in the near future, as we have discussed with Crytek and they also want to meet this challenge.

Another interesting comment by Chris Robert was as follows:
The server side of CryEngine can run on Linux. Unfortunately the client side does not and is currently tied to DirectX. We’ve been discussing discussion with them OpenGL for Linux and Mac Reasons and they have some other licenses That Also want to do it, I know it may happen in the near future.
The server side of CryEngine can run on Linux but not on the client side that is related to DirectX. We discussed on OpenGL for Linux and Mac, and it seems there are licenses and intentions to guarantee the support, and what might happen in the near future.
Star Citizen has also launched a survey where you can vote for Linux Support of the project, then I invite you to vote for reach the largest possible number of consensus . Unity and the Source engine have already confirmed Linux Support CryEngine 3 and if you were to achieve support for the penguin, there would be a push really important in terms of gaming for years to come.

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