Anthony Nordquist has announced the release of Saline OS 1.3, a Debian-based distribution with Xfce as the default desktop: "SalineOS 1.3 images are now available. This point release brings with it support for changing the system language and keyboard layout within the installer. It also marks the first time the Saline OS user manual is available in another language (Spanish). New features and changes include: optional download of language packs for Icedove, OpenOffice.org and MySpell by hitting yes on a dialog in the installer; all updates installed from the Debian security repository since the building of 1.2; several small revisions and additions to the user manual; disabled Remastersys repository by default; discontinued the shell CD image." Read the full release announcement for further details. Download: SalineOS-1.3-i386.iso (926MB, MD5, torrent), SalineOS-1.3-AMD64.iso (936MB, MD5, torrent).
Download Mirrors http://www.salineos.com/downloads.php