I just recently stumbled on the article "This is how new Nautilus looks in Ubuntu" on Ubuntu Vibes. It seems there will be a lot of changes for Nautilus file manager in the next release of Ubuntu. You can read the article on Ubuntu Vibes for your info. But here is how Nautilus may look in the future (photo from Ubuntu Vibes):

I dont know what you think about this new look of Nautilus but from the comments on Ubuntu Vibes, it seems most people dont like the change.
However, Ubuntu is not the only distro in which Nautilus will be changed. Ikey Doherty has also modified Nautilus for his distro - SolusOS and this will be the default Nautilus for the upcoming SolusOS 2. Here are two screenshots of Nautilus in SolusOS:

To read more about the features of the new Nautilus in SolusOS, you can check this article on SolusOS official page.
After seeing the two new versions of Nautilus file manager, which one do you prefer?