Alan Baghumian has announced the availability of the first test release of Parsix GNU/Linux 3.7, a Debian-based desktop distribution featuring GNOME 2.32 and a Linux kernel patched for performance: "A new testing release of Parsix GNU/Linux is available now. This version is being released after a few months of internal and community testing and development. Parsix GNU/Linux 3.7 'Raul' is built on top of the rock-solid Debian testing branch as of Feb 7, 2011 and brings tons of updated packages. We decided to ship GNOME 2.32 with this version and GNOME 3.0 is planned for Parsix GNU/Linux 4.0. We will follow this testing release with our classic three-step development releases and are looking to release the final version in late June or early July." Visit the distribution's news page to read the brief release announcement; detailed release notes are available here. Download: parsix_3.7r0-TEST-1-i386.iso (947MB, MD5), parsix_3.7r0-TEST-1-amd64.iso (961MB, MD5).