Flavio Pereira de Oliveira has announced the release of Imagineos 20110605, a Slackware-based distribution formerly known as GoblinX: "The new Imagineos release is finally available. This live CD created by using linux-live scripts with a few modifications uses KDE (4.5.5) as the desktop environment and is based on Slackware 13.37 with more applications and features. Some versions of major components of the system: Zen kernel, Squashfs 4.2, Aufs 20110502, GCC 4.5.3, Binutils, glibc 2.13. Changelog: system upgraded; bootsplash is again our splash manager; Plymouth removed; user created during hard disk install process is the default user; included AbiWord because it is important to have a word processor...." Here is the full release announcement. Quick links to download the English and Portuguese (Brazil) editions: Imagineos_en-20110605-i486-K1.iso (697MB, MD5), Imagineos_br-20110606-i486-K1.iso (696MB, MD5).