Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of a new development build of SliTaz GNU/Linux, a minimalist, but extensible distribution and live CD featuring the Openbox window manager: "The SliTaz team is pleased to announce the release of a new cooking ISO image featuring over 2,900 packages. All packages have been rebuilt using our new cooking tool, now included in Tazwok. It contains Linux kernel 2.6.37 compiled against glibc 2.13, Binutils 2.21 and GCC 4.5.2. The Core live CD includes Midori 0.3.3. Tazpkg is now entirely translated to French and we are open to additional translations. Tazwok have been entirely rewritten and it's now possible to recook SliTaz from scratch using any ISO image. This release is the first of release candidate series which will lead to stable 4.0 release." Visit the project's news page to read the full release announcement. Download the installation CD image from here: slitaz-cooking.iso (31.0MB, MD5).
Download Mirrors http://www.slitaz.org/en/get/
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