Fabio Erculiani has announced the release of Sabayon Linux 6, a Gentoo-based desktop distribution with KDE 4.6.4 or GNOME 2.32 desktops: "We're once again here to announce the immediate availability of Sabayon 6, one of the biggest milestones in our project. Letting bleeding edge and reliability coexist is the most outstanding challenge our users and our team are faced with every day. Features: Linux kernel and blazing fast, yet reliable, boot; natively supporting the Btrfs file system; completely redesigned artwork and boot music introduction; improved themes for 16:9 and 16:10 widescreen monitors; X.Org Server updated to 1.10...." Read the complete release announcement for further information. Download: Sabayon_Linux_6_x86_K.iso (1,956MB, MD5, torrent), Sabayon_Linux_6_x86_G.iso (1,561MB, MD5, torrent), Sabayon_Linux_6_amd64_K.iso (2,180MB, MD5, torrent), Sabayon_Linux_6_amd64_G.iso (1,777MB, MD5, torrent).
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