Two tall and rangy fighters, the fight starts in the centre of the ring.
Two good rights from Froch and the place erupts.
Chants for Bute as the Canadian dominates the centre of the ring, but Froch rebounds with a right left flurry that forces the champion into the ropes.
Froch is then forced into the corner himself, and his prominent nose is already starting to redden.
The round ends with the pair exchanging punches, which bodes well for Froch.
Two good rights from Froch and the place erupts.
Chants for Bute as the Canadian dominates the centre of the ring, but Froch rebounds with a right left flurry that forces the champion into the ropes.
Froch is then forced into the corner himself, and his prominent nose is already starting to redden.
The round ends with the pair exchanging punches, which bodes well for Froch.
Froch commences the second round poking out jabs, but Bute in unruffled and starts to move forward.
He's looking to throw punches to the body, and whenever Froch is able to land Bute counters.
These left uppercuts to the chest of Froch look ominously powerful.
But Froch starts to unload, and gets a decent combination away which the home support adore. Froch has started well, and that was always the game plan.
Bute is measuring his jabs, but two excellent shots are landed by Froch, and the bell ands a great round for The Cobra.
He's looking to throw punches to the body, and whenever Froch is able to land Bute counters.
These left uppercuts to the chest of Froch look ominously powerful.
But Froch starts to unload, and gets a decent combination away which the home support adore. Froch has started well, and that was always the game plan.
Bute is measuring his jabs, but two excellent shots are landed by Froch, and the bell ands a great round for The Cobra.
Bute lands a decent right, countering a misdirected jab from Froch.
But The Cobra is not letting the champion settle and Bute is not allowed to settle.
Froch is landing combinations and the Bute doesn't like it. A big right hand has Bute wobbling, and Froch has him just where he wants him. Bute hasn't been hit with combinations like this since October 2008.
Froch hits uppercuts and body shots and Bute is on wobbling legs. It's all Froch in this third round, and Bute is trying to hold on.
He looks out on his feet. Bute is hanging on ad the bell sounds. What a round for Froch.
But The Cobra is not letting the champion settle and Bute is not allowed to settle.
Froch is landing combinations and the Bute doesn't like it. A big right hand has Bute wobbling, and Froch has him just where he wants him. Bute hasn't been hit with combinations like this since October 2008.
Froch hits uppercuts and body shots and Bute is on wobbling legs. It's all Froch in this third round, and Bute is trying to hold on.
He looks out on his feet. Bute is hanging on ad the bell sounds. What a round for Froch.
minute may not have been long enough for Bute here. He's looking to stay
in this fight, but he still has power and lands an effective left cut.
Froch needs to me smart, keeping Bute guessing. He is doing that, as
Bute lines up a big shot but misses.
However, as the seconds tick on Bute's mind is clearing.
But now The Cobra unloads, though Bute counters well and perhaps Froch is hurt.
It's The Cobra doing the stalking and Bute is guessing. A jab and a big left from Froch then a big right has Bute in trouble again. Bute is lying against the ropes and he's hurt.
He leans on the ropes and is saved by the bell for the second time in the fight.
Carl Froch, at 34 years of age and fighting in front of his home crowd, is the new IBF super-middleweight champion of the world.
However, as the seconds tick on Bute's mind is clearing.
But now The Cobra unloads, though Bute counters well and perhaps Froch is hurt.
It's The Cobra doing the stalking and Bute is guessing. A jab and a big left from Froch then a big right has Bute in trouble again. Bute is lying against the ropes and he's hurt.
He leans on the ropes and is saved by the bell for the second time in the fight.
More punishment from Froch, moving forward with a right and a left, and Bute is down in his corner!
The referee is having a look. The fight hasn't been stopped.
The referee is counting.
Bute's corner have waved it off! For the third time Carl Froch is a super-middleweight champion of the world!
The referee is having a look. The fight hasn't been stopped.
The referee is counting.
Bute's corner have waved it off! For the third time Carl Froch is a super-middleweight champion of the world!
Carl Froch, at 34 years of age and fighting in front of his home crowd, is the new IBF super-middleweight champion of the world.
Lucian Bute still doesn't know where he is.
At the end Froch's promoter, Eddie Hearn, leapt into the ring and
embraced his champion.
The place exploded at the climax, and Bute is now on his stool receiving liquid. Now he's back on his feet, and is applauding all four sides of the arena. His head is clear, and that's good to see.
"Your winner, and new and three-time champion of the world: The Cobra, Carl Froch!"
The place exploded at the climax, and Bute is now on his stool receiving liquid. Now he's back on his feet, and is applauding all four sides of the arena. His head is clear, and that's good to see.
"Your winner, and new and three-time champion of the world: The Cobra, Carl Froch!"
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